Measure Distance on a Map

Topo Maps+ has a number ways to measure distance on a map.

1. Select Existing Trails

Topo Maps+ 4 includes over 500,000 trails that can overlay the maps.  You can tap on any of these trails to see their distance and to get an elevation profile. You can learn more about the trail overlays here.

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2. Tracing New Routes

You can trace a new route on the map to see how far that route is.  This article goes into depth on how to trace routes.

Simulator Screen Shot May 25, 2016, 4.26.00 PM

3. Tracing Routes from a Trail Network

When you select a trail on the map you can move the crosshairs at the ends of the trail.  You will be able to move these crosshairs over trails that connect to the trail that the crosshairs are on.  This lets you easily create new routes from existing trail networks.

Simulator Screen Shot May 25, 2016, 4.12.35 PM Simulator Screen Shot May 25, 2016, 4.13.31 PM

4. Between Points in an Elevation Profile

When you are viewing an elevation profile you can move the crosshairs on the left and right side to see the distance and elevation between the two points.  The map will highlight the part of the trail that is between the two points.

Simulator Screen Shot May 25, 2016, 3.58.13 PM

5. Trail Segments

When you zoom in on the map, it will show the distance between trail segments, right on the map.  As you continue to zoom in, you will see red dots at each of the trail junctions.

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6. Distance Rings

Distance rings let you see distances from the center of the map.

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7. Distance from Your Current Location

When you turn on distance rings and you are viewing your current location you can see the distance and heading to the center of the rings.  You can learn more about showing the distance from your current location here.


8. Map Scale

You can choose to always have the map scale turned on.

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