Category Archives: Uncategorized

Managing Downloaded Maps

Topo Maps+ has a few different ways to delete any maps you have downloaded to free up more space on your device.

1. Delete individual maps regions

When you are downloading maps you can tap on already downloaded map regions to delete them.  This works well when you need to just delete one or two regions, but it can be tedious when you need to delete a larger area.


2. Select multiple regions

When you are downloading maps you can tap on “Select” in the upper left corner and then select all of the regions you want to delete.  If you have Topo Maps+ PRO you can zoom out and select larger regions as well.  Your selections don’t have to be areas that are fully downloaded.  When you then tap on the “Delete” button on the toolbar, all of the downloaded maps in the selected regions will be deleted.

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3. From My Downloaded Maps

You can see which maps you have downloaded and their sizes by selecting “My Data” and then “My Downloaded Maps”.  Here you will see all of the types of maps you have downloaded, how much storage each map type is using, and the total storage for all of the maps.  If you wish to delete all of the maps you can scroll down and delete all of the maps.

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You can select individual maps to see a list of downloaded regions for that map and to delete just that one map type.  You can select the individual downloaded regions to jump to their location on the map.




How I Use Topo Maps+ to Plan a Backpacking Trip

Topo Maps+ works really well for trip planning. I am getting ready to backpack the Devil’s Dome Loop in the Pasayten Wilderness and here is how I used Topo Maps+ to plan this trip.

Routes For Each Day

First I break the trip up into which trails we will hike each day.  To do this I select the trails on the map and then change the end points on the map to find out how long and how much elevation that section will be.  When you select a trail on the map you can move the crosshairs at the ends of the trail to make a new route.  If there isn’t a selectable trail for where I am going, then I trace out the routes.


Click here to learn more about interacting with trails.

The Devil’s Dome Loop starts with a brutal climb, so I decided to make the first day a bit shorter.  When you save your new route you can see the total elevation gain, total elevation loss, and distance in the elevation profile view.  Once I have a route for the day I change the name for this custom route.

To make the route stand out on the map, I then generally change the color.


I will then do this for each day of the trip.  Now, when I zoom out I can see the full loop, with each day’s segment in a different color.

Waypoints For Points of Interest

Once I have the routes set up for each day, I add waypoints for points of interest on the map.  I do this so that those points stand out on the map, and because waypoints are automatically indexes for route sections in Topo Maps+ PRO.

To add a waypoint to the map simply tap and hold on the map, move the crosshairs to where you want the point, and then tap on Add.

You can customize the name and icon for the waypoint once you add it to the map.

Click here to learn more about waypoints.

Organize The Data with Categories

Next I create a category for the trip and add all of my data to the category.  This lets me keep all of the data for the trip organized.  You can access the Category from “My Data” -> My Categories.


Scroll down to the bottom of the Categories to add a new one.  You can give it a name and either choose a built in picture or add your own.


Next select “Add Items to Category” and select the routes and waypoints for the trip.  Alternately, you can select each item on the map, then select Add to Category, and then select the Category you just created.


Click here to learn more about working with Categories.

Sync My Data

Next I sync my data so that it is backed up and so that I can use all of this data on my other devices.  Often I will do these planning steps on my iPad and then use these data on my iPhone when I go out.

To sync your data just select “My Data” -> “Sync.


Click here to learn more about syncing data.

Check out Flickr Photos

I like to see what an area will look like before I get there.  With Topo Maps+ PRO I can look at public Flickr photos along a trail.

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Share With Friends

Once I have all of the data for the trip ready to go I share it with my friends that are going on the trip.  This lets them have this data in Topo Maps+ on their iPhones and for the ones that use Android it lets them import the data into the app they use.  While you can export the data, I generally share it.  When you share data it uses a custom Topo Maps+ share format that preserves more of the Topo Maps+ specific information and it lets me update the data and my friends using Topo Maps+ just get the updated information and not duplicate information.

From the Category for you trip, scroll down to the bottom and select “Share Category”.  Then select “Share Map Data with Friends”.  Finally, tap on the “Share” button.


This will bring up your iOS options to share.  Give this link to your friends.  Those who use Topo Maps+ can use the “Import into Topo Maps+” button on the web page.  The others can use the export to KML or GPX buttons.  Most mapping applications support importing KML and GPX files.

Click here to learn more about sharing data.

Download Maps

Now that I have all of the data for the trip, I download all of the maps for the trip.  Tap on Download in the toolbar and then tap on all of the grids you want to download.


Click here to learn more about downloading maps.

Print Maps

Finally I print out the maps for the area I will be visiting.  I never solely rely on technology so I make sure I have printed maps with me.  When you print maps from Topo Maps+ it will print the custom trails and waypoints you added to the map.  If you don’t have an AirPrint printer you can print to from your iOS device, you can email yourself the file to print and then print it from another computer.

To print a map, select “Prepare” -> “Print Map” -> “Print the map on my printer”.


Next pan and zoom the map to get the area you want to print inside the box.  The actual printed map will use zoomed in images inside the selected box.  Once you are ready to print the map, just select “Print” in the upper right corner or “Preview” to see what it will look like.  I generally print out multiple maps for larger trips like this one.

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You can use the “Map Options” to change settings like the size of paper or to change to landscape.

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After following these steps I have all of the data for my trip, the maps are downloaded and ready for offline use, and I have printed maps of where we are going.  Now its time to hit the trail and have a great time.

Syncing Topo Maps+ Data

In Topo Maps+ you can sync all of your created data (routes, tracks, waypoints, tags, regions, etc) as well as your purchased maps and subscriptions between all of your iOS devices and Mac.  Syncing your data lets you plan a trip on your iPad or Mac and then use that data on your iPhone.  Also, when you sync data, a copy of your data gets pushed to the Topo Maps+ servers.  This is a good way to make sure there is a backup of your data.

To sync your data, tap on the “My Data” button in the top left of the screen and then select “Sync My Data.”


To sync your data you must have a Topo Maps+ account, so if you are not yet logged into your account or if you don’t have an account you will see the login screen.  Fill in your email and password and tap on the “Login” button.


If you need to create an account just tap on the “Create Account” button, fill in your email and password, and then tap on the “Create Account” button again.


Once you are logged in, Topo Maps+ will sync your data to the Topo Maps+ server.

When you are hiking, most likely you don’t want Topo Maps+ using extra battery to keep your data in sync.  By default Topo Maps+ will automatically keep your data in sync when you are on a WIFI network (i.e. at home) and it will not sync your data when you are on a cellular network.  You can change this setting and the setting for automatic sync in the Topo Maps+ settings.



You can have as many of your iOS devices sync with the server as you want.  Devices sync with the server and not directly with each other.


What’s New in Topo Maps+ 4.1

Topo Maps+ 4.1 is now live in the App Store with some great new features.


Do you ever need to remember something about a waypoint or route.  Maybe it is how to find an amazing huckleberry patch to make the perfect pancakes.  In Topo Maps+ you can take notes on waypoints and routes.  Read more here.


Dates for Tracks

When you view tracks you can now see the date for when that track was recorded.


Change to GPS Auto Center

When you turn on the setting to auto center the map on GPS updates, Topo Maps+ will wait until the new GPS point is at least 10 meters from the old GPS point to update the map.  This will let you scroll the map without auto center jumping you back to your current location.


Waypoint Popover 

When you select a waypoint on the map you now get a summary popover.  When you tap on the popover you get the full details for the waypoint.


Changes for Topo Maps+ on Apple Watch

  • Routes on the watch now show more coordinates so they don’t skip corners.
  • On the Apple watch, trail overlays don’t show up if they are turned off in the app on the phone.
  • Fixed zooming on Apple Watch

Performance and Bug Fixes

  • Performance fixes for scrolling the map.
  • Fixed a case where low resolution maps would render instead of high resolution even if you have an active map pass.
  • Fixed a few crashes that can occur while scrolling or zooming.
  • Fixed a case where trails picked up the wrong location when it was on a vertical line.
  • Fixed a crash with importing files.
  • Fixed sync progress not updating.
  • Fixed a case where the map can deadlock and freeze the app.
  • Fixed a case where the recording buttons would be faded out.
  • Fix for battery draining more with recording tracks.

Printing Topo Maps


We all know we should never solely rely on technology in the backcountry, but it can be easy to get lazy and not take the time to get a printed map.  While appropriate use of technology can make our adventures more enjoyable it can also give us a false sense of security.  Thankfully printing maps before you head out is easy in Topo Maps+.  Having a printed map can sometimes be the difference between making it out and being lost with an iOS device that ran out of battery. Topo Maps+ makes it easy to print maps on your printer at home, even if you don’t have an AirPrint printer.  To make sure your map lasts during your adventure you can print your maps on Adventure Paper or put them in a water proof map case.


To print a map in Topo Maps+ select Prepare from the toolbar and then Print Map.  You can then choose if you want to print the map directly from your iOS device or email yourself the map to print from another computer.



Zoom and pan the map to get the region you want to print.  The printed map will use a zoomed in map for the area you selected.

You can customize the map with the print options.  The print options let you choose the paper size, the collar size (are around the outside of the map), and turn waypoints and routes on or off.



Once you have zoomed to the area you want to print tap on the Preview button to see what the printed map will look like.

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When you have the map ready, use the Share button in the upper right corner to print the map or to email it to yourself.

Using Topo Maps+ you can easily create beautiful printed maps to help you discover the great outdoors.








What’s New in Topo Maps+ 3.4

Topo Maps+ version 3.4 added a new Outdoor Trails Map with world wide trails.  You can access this map by tapping on the map icon in the upper right corner.

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If you had previously downloaded maps for the MapBox Outdoor Map you will need to delete and redownload those maps if you want to get the new Outdoor Trails Map in those areas.

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What’s New in Topo Maps+ 3.0

New User Interface

Topo Maps+ has an updated the user interface which makes features more accessible and downloading maps even easier.

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Use the following links to learn more about using version 3.0 with each of these features.

You can now choose low resolution maps when downloading so that you can download maps over a larger area.


Apple Watch Support

Now you can view your offline maps and current location just by glancing down at your wrist. You no longer need to pull your iPhone out of your pack to check your position. Read more about using Topo Maps+ on the Apple Watch.

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New Maps

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You can now use the New Zealand Topo50 from the LINZ (Land Information New Zealand).

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You can now use the Run, Hike, & Bike map from MapBox.

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The MapBox street and outdoors maps have been updated.

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Added a settings to make waypoints visible at all zoom levels.

Now you can show waypoints on the map even when you zoom out.

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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed importing GPX files into Garmin Basecamp.
  • Reduced energy usage by turning off GPS when the app is in the background and it is not recording a trip.
  • Fixed adding a waypoint while recording a trip leaving a blue trace on the map.
  • Fixed orientating the map with the compass when in landscape.
  • Fixed bug where the kph for speed was off when you tapped on the current location.
  • Fixed an issue where map passes were not always sync’d between your iOS devices.


What’s New in Topo Maps+ 2.7

1. All New Print Map Features

While Topo Maps+ is an awesome application to help you go deeper into the backcountry it is not wise to rely solely on technology.  Having a printed map can sometimes be the difference between making it out and being lost with an iOS device that ran out of battery. Topo Maps+ makes it easy to print maps on your printer at home.  To make sure your map lasts during your adventure you can print those maps on Adventure Paper or put them in a water proof map case.


Read more about printing maps.

2. Performance Improvements

Rendering and scrolling maps in Topo Maps+ is now much faster.

3. iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Support

Topo Maps+ now fully supports the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.


4. Fixed a Critical GPX Import Bug

Topo Maps+ 2.6 has a bug that prevented Topo Maps+ showing up as an option to import GPX files.  This is now fixed.





Topo Maps+ Works with many Different Maps

Topo Maps+ supports a wide variety of maps to help you with your next adventure.

You can easily change to a different map by selecting “Map Types” in the menu.

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1. USGS Topo Maps

In the US the USGS Topo Maps are the ultimate backcountry map.  They have the most detail for off the grid locations.  They include rivers, lakes, trails, timberlines, and many more backcountry features.  Most of these maps were made between 1940 and 1960, so they are not the best for urban areas where there has been new developments over the last 50 years.

Topo Maps+ has two different USGS maps sources and you can view the maps either with or without shading.  You can use the USGS topo maps from either CalTopo or Glacier Peak Studios.  In general the maps from CalTopo have higher resolution.

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2. NRCAN & GEOBC Topo Maps for Southern and Western Canada

The Topo Maps from CalTopo also include NRCAN & GEOBC Topo Maps for southern and western Canada.  These are excellent backcountry maps for Canada.  Unfortunately, these maps from CalTopo do not cover all of Canada.  You can use MapBox Outdoors and Thunderforest for all of Canada.

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3. World Wide Topo Maps with Thunderforest Topo Map

Thunderforest Topo Map is a world wide topo map that has hiking, biking, and ski trails.  The data for Thunderforest comes from the Open Cycle Map and it is continually being updated.

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4. World Wide Topo Maps with MapBox Outdoors

MapBox Outdoors is another great option for world wide topo maps.   This map is still in beta and is also being continually updated.

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5. Satellite Imagery with MapBox Satellite

When researching where to have your next adventure it is often helpful to look at satellite imagery.  The satellite map from MapBox lets you view you routes and waypoints on a satellite map.

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6. MapBox Street Maps

When you just need a street map to get a to campground or trail head you can use MapBox Street Maps.

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Use These Maps Offline

You can use all of these maps offline.  You will need to download the regions you want available offline before you go into the backcountry.

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Read more about using Topo Maps+ offline.



What’s New in Version 2.6

Version 2.6 is our biggest release yet!  It is packed with new features to help you get out and enjoy the great outdoors.

Organize with Beautiful Tags

You can now organize your routes, trips and waypoints using tags.  You can access tags from the menu.

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Topo Maps+ comes with a number of tags already set up and ready for you to use.  You can easily add, remove, or edit the existing tags.  To add a new tag, scroll down to the bottom of the list of tags and tap on add new tag.  You can name the tag and select an image for the tag.  You can use one of the built in images or scroll down to the bottom of the list of images to add your own image or to use an image from the map.

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If you want to reorganize or remove a tag, simply scroll to the top of the list of tags and tap on the edit button.



There are two ways to add routes, trips, and waypoints to tags.  First, you can go into a tag, tap on “Add Items to Tag”, and then select the items you want in the tag.

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You can also add a route, trip, or waypoint to tags from the route or waypoint details.iOS_Simulator_Screen_shot_Jun_26__2014__6_51_06_AM iOS_Simulator_Screen_shot_Jun_26__2014__6_52_03_AMiOS Simulator Screen shot Jun 26, 2014, 6.51.12 AM


Share with Your Friends

You can now easily share your tags, routes, trips, and waypoints with your friends.

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Once you have selected the tags, routes, trips, and waypoints you want to share, tap on the share button at the bottom of the screen.  This will generate a URL you can give your friends.

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When your friends go to the URL you gave them they will be able to import that data into Topo Maps+ or export the data into KML or GPX files which they can use in other apps like Google Earth.

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The data in the sharing link gets updated every time you sync your data in Topo Maps+.  You can share a tag with your friends for an upcoming backpack trip and then as you update the tags, the routes in the tag, and the waypoints in the tag, those updates will be reflected on the sharing web page for the tag.  Also, if your friends import the same route into Topo Maps+ multiple times the app is smart enough to know to update the existing route and not create a duplicate.


Export to Other Apps

In addition to sharing data in Topo Maps+ you can also export your data into KML and GPX formats.  This lets you view your data in other apps like Google Earth.  To export your data just tap on “Sharing and Export” in the menu, then “Export Data”, and then select the tags, routes, trips, and waypoints you wan to export.

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Once you have selected the data you want to export, select the format (KML or GPX), and then tap on the Export button.  You will then be able to email that file or open it in another app that supports that file format.



Import From Other Apps

Topo Maps+ also supports importing routes and waypoints from KML and GPX files.  To import the data into Topo Maps+ email yourself the file, then on your iPhone find the email, select the file, tap on the share button, and then select Topo Maps+.

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When Topo Maps+ opens it will show you the routes and waypoints from the file.  You can choose which ones you want to import and then tap on the import button.

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Free Low Resolution Maps

In Topo Maps+ version 2.6 low resolution maps are now completely free.  You can download them for offline use and the app will not keep bugging your to upgrade when you don’t have an active pass.

ICS & NWCG Symbols

Firefighters and search & rescue personal can now add Incident Command Symbols and NWCG symbols to waypoints.  When you add a waypoint, open the waypoint details, scroll down and tap on the “ICS & NWCG Symbols” button, and then select the symbol you want.

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New MapBox Maps

Topo Maps+ now has two new MapBox maps.  It has the all new MapBox Outdoor Maps and it has the MapBox Street Map which you can download for offline use.

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Add waypoint at search hit

You can now easily add a waypoint at a search hit, just tap on the search hit location and select add waypoint.

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Bug Fixes

Topo Maps+ version 2.6 also fixed a bug where the total elevation while recording a trip was incorrect.

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