Category Archives: Releases

Topo Maps+ PRO

I have been hard at work to make using Topo Maps+ even better while on the trail. I pounded out over 75 miles of hiking with a fully loaded pack this summer to test out new features and push the envelope of what Topo Maps+ can do. I am really excited to show you Topo Maps+ PRO.


Progress on Trail

Navigation isn’t the only reason to use a map while hiking.  Often you want to get an idea for how far you have traveled and how far you have left to go. Should we stop for lunch now or wait until we get to the lake? How much farther do we have left until we get to the top of this brutal up hill? Should we stop here for the night or push on to the next campsite? While you could use the Topo Maps+ record feature to record your hike to know exactly how far you have come, it will not tell you how far you have left to go and if you are on an extended backpacking trip you probably don’t want to drain your battery with GPS constantly running to record your hike. Using trail segments along with progress along a trail now lets you easily answer these questions without recording your hike. It is awesome (and a bit magical feeling) to have this information while hiking deep in the backcountry. Honestly, this feature is pretty amazing to experience. So go out into the backcountry and try this out 🙂

Trail Segments

Topo Maps+ will automatically analyze a trail to create segments from trail junctions, waypoints, and photos.  A trail segment is a portion of the trail between two locations of interest on the trail.

Download Larger Areas

Sometimes you just want to zoom out and download larger areas. With Topo Maps+ PRO you can 🙂

My Photos Overlay

I don’t know about you, but I take a lot of photos while I am out hiking. They become an integral part of my outdoor experience and the memories I create while spending time slowing down, getting off the grid, and basking in the amazing beauty and magnificence of nature.  With Topo Maps+ PRO you can see where you took a photo, see what direction you were facing when you took the photo, and you can create a waypoint from the photo. If you need to remember a location to return back to it (i.e. where you parked your car or a maker for where you started bushwhacking) you can just take a picture with the camera on your iPhone and then later go back into Topo Maps+ to see where that picture was taken and to turn it into a waypoint.

Snap To Trail

Custom Routes

When you select a trail on the map you can also move the crosshairs at the ends of the trail.  You will be able to move these crosshairs over trails that connect to the trail that the crosshairs are on.  This lets you easily create new routes from existing trail networks.

Edit Tracks and Routes

Sometimes you need to edit routes or recorded tracks.  With Topo Maps+ you can easily edit a track or route.

Natural Atlas

Map Overlays

With Topo Maps+ PRO you can create custom maps by overlaying maps on top of each other.

Grid Overlays

With Topo Maps+ PRO you can add latitude/longitude or UTM grid overlays on your map.

Data Overlays

In Topo Maps+ PRO you can control which data overlays the map.  Maybe you just want to see the trails and waypoints for your current backpacking trip or maybe you just want to see the data you have collected for a single hunting season.


Sometimes the information you want to track on the map can’t be captured with just waypoints and routes.  For example, maybe you want to keep track of an area where you found good huckleberries or a property boundary that you want to stay in while you are hunting or a region where you have searched.  With Topo Maps+ PRO you can add regions to the map.

What’s New in Topo Maps+ 3.5

Guide Me

You can use the new Guide Me feature to have Topo Maps+ help you navigate to a waypoint. See “Guide Me” for more information.


iOS 9 Support

Topo Maps+ now supports iOS 9 split screen, 3D touch on the iPhone 6s, and the new iPad Pro.

Simulator Screen Shot Oct 20, 2015, 9.37.25 AM




Native watchOS 2 App

Topo Maps+ runs faster as a native app on watchOS 2 and uses the digital crown to zoom in and out on the map.  Your current trip distance can be displayed right on the watch face using a complication and you can also download maps directly to your Apple Watch.



Improved distance and elevation profiles

Newly traced routes use an improved distance calculation and have more accurate elevation profiles.

Simulator Screen Shot Oct 20, 2015, 9.43.07 AM

Distance and heading from current location

Distance rings now show distance and heading from current location.



New Waypoint Options

You can view waypoint titles on the map.


If you have the waypoint in the wrong location you can now move it.


While adding a waypoint you can now easily view & edit the coordinates.




5×5 UTM Coordinate Support

You can enter just the first 5 digits of the easting and northing for UTM coordinates and Topo Maps+ will figure out the rest from the center of the map.  See this article for more information.

Support for importing KMZ files

KMZ files are now a supported file type for importing.




What’s New in Version 2.5

Search Auto Complete

Search now has an auto complete list.  You can use this list to select which of the locations you want.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 12, 2014, 7.10.09 AM

Please note, the service Topo Maps+ is using to find locations does not work the best for sub word matches.  So be sure and type in the full word.

New Distance Measuring Tools

When you zoom in on the map a scale will now appear.  You can also turn on a setting to always have this scale visible.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 12, 2014, 7.13.10 AM  Pasted_Image_3_12_14__7_12_AM

In the settings you can also turn on distance rings.  The distance rings will overlay circles on top of the map to to show you distances from the center of the map.  The top of each circle has the distance from the center.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 12, 2014, 7.15.50 AM
Reorganized Download Maps

Download maps has been reorganized to make it more efficient.  The settings for downloading maps was moved under settings.  The download settings are rarely needed now that Topo Maps+ has the ability to download regions.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 12, 2014, 7.18.41 AM  Pasted_Image_3_12_14__7_18_AM

Added Help Manual

There is now a help manual under the Help/About section.



What’s New in Topo Maps+ 2.4

Topo Maps+ version 2.4 has a number of new features!

New Unshaded USGS Topo and NRCAN/GEOBC Canada Topo Maps

There is now a new unshaded USGS and NRCAN/GEOBC Canada map type. (Not all of Canada is supported with this map).

iOS Simulator Screen shot Jan 24, 2014, 6.59.12 AM iOS Simulator Screen shot Jan 24, 2014, 7.02.17 AM

Search Supports More Coordinate Formats

You can now enter the following formats when searching for a coordinate.

  • 49.721 -117.234
  • N49.721 W117.234
  • 49 43.2600′ -117 14.04′
  • N 49 43.2600′ W 117 14.0400′
  • N49 43′ 15.60″ W 117 14″ 2.40′
  • N49 43 15.60  W 117 14  2.40
  • 49 43′ 15.60″  -117 14″ 2.40′
  • 11U 483133mE 5507637mN
  • 11 483133mE 5507637mN

Coordinates on Waypoints

Waypoints now show their coordinates in the waypoint detail view.iOS_Simulator_Screen_shot_Jan_24__2014__6_46_48_AM-2

Coordinate setting

You can set the display format for coordinates in the settings.

iOS_Simulator_Screen_shot_Jan_24__2014__6_49_36_AM-2 iOS Simulator Screen shot Jan 24, 2014, 6.49.42 AM

Tap and Hold to add waypoint

You can easily add a new waypoint by holding your finger on the location you want to add the waypoint.  When you do a tap and hold the location crosshairs will appear under your finger.  You can move this around to get the exact location you want and then select “Add Waypoint”.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Jan 24, 2014, 6.52.01 AM

Download MapBox Cloudless Satellite and Terrain Maps

You can now download the MapBox Cloudless Satellite and Terrain maps for offline use.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Jan 24, 2014, 6.55.20 AM

New USGS and Canadian Maps in Version 2.3

Version 2.3 of Topo Maps+ is now live on the App Store and it has a beautiful new map from CalTopo.  This map has high resolution USGS maps and much better maps of Canada from geobc and NRCAN.  The Canadian maps cover southern and western Canada.  The USGS maps now include Alaska and Hawaii.

To use this new map tap on menu (upper left corner), then Map Type, and then select the CalTopo map.

photo 1

Here are some sample of the USGS topo maps from CalTopo.

photo 2 photo 3photo

And here are some samples of Canadian maps from CalTopo.

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