What’s New in Topo Maps+ 3.4

Topo Maps+ version 3.4 added a new Outdoor Trails Map with world wide trails.  You can access this map by tapping on the map icon in the upper right corner.

iOS Simulator Screen Shot Jul 9, 2015, 6.28.14 AMiOS Simulator Screen Shot Jul 9, 2015, 6.28.10 AM iOS Simulator Screen Shot Jul 9, 2015, 6.27.40 AM

If you had previously downloaded maps for the MapBox Outdoor Map you will need to delete and redownload those maps if you want to get the new Outdoor Trails Map in those areas.

iOS Simulator Screen Shot Jul 9, 2015, 6.28.53 AMiOS Simulator Screen Shot Jul 9, 2015, 6.29.42 AMiOS Simulator Screen Shot Jul 9, 2015, 6.28.30 AM