Printing Topo Maps


We all know we should never solely rely on technology in the backcountry, but it can be easy to get lazy and not take the time to get a printed map.  While appropriate use of technology can make our adventures more enjoyable it can also give us a false sense of security.  Thankfully printing maps before you head out is easy in Topo Maps+.  Having a printed map can sometimes be the difference between making it out and being lost with an iOS device that ran out of battery. Topo Maps+ makes it easy to print maps on your printer at home, even if you don’t have an AirPrint printer.  To make sure your map lasts during your adventure you can print your maps on Adventure Paper or put them in a water proof map case.


To print a map in Topo Maps+ select Prepare from the toolbar and then Print Map.  You can then choose if you want to print the map directly from your iOS device or email yourself the map to print from another computer.



Zoom and pan the map to get the region you want to print.  The printed map will use a zoomed in map for the area you selected.

You can customize the map with the print options.  The print options let you choose the paper size, the collar size (are around the outside of the map), and turn waypoints and routes on or off.



Once you have zoomed to the area you want to print tap on the Preview button to see what the printed map will look like.

Simulator Screen Shot May 5, 2016, 7.20.25 AM

When you have the map ready, use the Share button in the upper right corner to print the map or to email it to yourself.

Using Topo Maps+ you can easily create beautiful printed maps to help you discover the great outdoors.
