Interact With Trails


Topo Maps+ 5 includes over 500,000 trails that can overlay the maps.  You can tap on any of these trails to see their distance and to get an elevation profile.


You can rename the trail or tap on the settings to customize how the trail looks on the map.

  Simulator Screen Shot May 25, 2016, 3.54.55 PM

In the elevation profile you can move the crosshairs to see the distance and elevation between any two points in the profile.  When you do this the trail on the map will highlight the section of trail that is between the crosshairs in the elevation profile.

When you zoom in on the map, it will show the distance between trail segments, right on the map.  As you continue to zoom in, you will see red dots at each of the trail junctions.

Simulator_Screen_Shot_May_25__2016__4_00_29_PM Simulator Screen Shot May 25, 2016, 4.02.01 PM

When you trace your own rotes you will also see red dots where they intersect other trails and you will see distances between trail segments.  In these examples the brown route is a traced route.

Simulator Screen Shot May 25, 2016, 4.08.27 PM Simulator Screen Shot May 25, 2016, 4.05.01 PM

With Topo Maps+ PRO, when you select a trail on the map you can also move the crosshairs at the ends of the trail.  You will be able to move these crosshairs over trails that connect to the trail that the crosshairs are on.  This lets you easily create new routes from existing trail networks.

Simulator Screen Shot May 25, 2016, 4.12.35 PM Simulator Screen Shot May 25, 2016, 4.13.31 PM

If there is a gap in the trail network you add your own trace routes between any two trails to connect the trails.  Here is an example where the brown trail joins the two green trails.

Simulator Screen Shot May 25, 2016, 4.15.36 PM

To learn how to trace a route on the map click here.


5 thoughts on “Interact With Trails

  1. I find that when I need to enlarge the map on my iPhone it becomes one big blur – not very useful for getting particulars on the trail.

  2. I spend a little bit of time while I still have cell to download HD versions of all my maps that I will be hiking that day. Love this program. Saved my butt the other day in the Escalante – we were trying to find a trailhead via BLM maps, and almost started off on the wrong double track road that would have cost us a 10 mile walk. The GPS ability in my iPhone 6+ needed no cell, and showed me were off the trailhead by 1/4 mile. Thanks!

    1. Awesome! I am so glad that you love Topo Maps+ 🙂 I just checked out some images from Escalante and that looks like an amazing hike. I hope you had a great time!

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