What’s New in Topo Maps+ 3.5

Guide Me

You can use the new Guide Me feature to have Topo Maps+ help you navigate to a waypoint. See “Guide Me” for more information.


iOS 9 Support

Topo Maps+ now supports iOS 9 split screen, 3D touch on the iPhone 6s, and the new iPad Pro.

Simulator Screen Shot Oct 20, 2015, 9.37.25 AM




Native watchOS 2 App

Topo Maps+ runs faster as a native app on watchOS 2 and uses the digital crown to zoom in and out on the map.  Your current trip distance can be displayed right on the watch face using a complication and you can also download maps directly to your Apple Watch.



Improved distance and elevation profiles

Newly traced routes use an improved distance calculation and have more accurate elevation profiles.

Simulator Screen Shot Oct 20, 2015, 9.43.07 AM

Distance and heading from current location

Distance rings now show distance and heading from current location.



New Waypoint Options

You can view waypoint titles on the map.


If you have the waypoint in the wrong location you can now move it.


While adding a waypoint you can now easily view & edit the coordinates.




5×5 UTM Coordinate Support

You can enter just the first 5 digits of the easting and northing for UTM coordinates and Topo Maps+ will figure out the rest from the center of the map.  See this article for more information.

Support for importing KMZ files

KMZ files are now a supported file type for importing.