Share with Your Friends

Share with Your Friends

You can now easily share your tags, routes, trips, and waypoints with your friends.

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Once you have selected the tags, routes, trips, and waypoints you want to share, tap on the share button at the bottom of the screen.  This will generate a URL you can give your friends.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Jun 26, 2014, 7.07.46 AM


When your friends go to the URL you gave them they will be able to import that data into Topo Maps+ or export the data into KML or GPX files which they can use in other apps like Google Earth.

photo-3 Share


The data in the sharing link gets updated every time you sync your data in Topo Maps+.  You can share a tag with your friends for an upcoming backpack trip and then as you update the tags, the routes in the tag, and the waypoints in the tag, those updates will be reflected on the sharing web page for the tag.  Also, if your friends import the same route into Topo Maps+ multiple times the app is smart enough to know to update the existing route and not create a duplicate.