What’s New in Version 2.5

Search Auto Complete

Search now has an auto complete list.  You can use this list to select which of the locations you want.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 12, 2014, 7.10.09 AM

Please note, the service Topo Maps+ is using to find locations does not work the best for sub word matches.  So be sure and type in the full word.

New Distance Measuring Tools

When you zoom in on the map a scale will now appear.  You can also turn on a setting to always have this scale visible.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 12, 2014, 7.13.10 AM  Pasted_Image_3_12_14__7_12_AM

In the settings you can also turn on distance rings.  The distance rings will overlay circles on top of the map to to show you distances from the center of the map.  The top of each circle has the distance from the center.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 12, 2014, 7.15.50 AM
Reorganized Download Maps

Download maps has been reorganized to make it more efficient.  The settings for downloading maps was moved under settings.  The download settings are rarely needed now that Topo Maps+ has the ability to download regions.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 12, 2014, 7.18.41 AM  Pasted_Image_3_12_14__7_18_AM

Added Help Manual

There is now a help manual under the Help/About section.
