Using Topo Maps+ Offline

Topo Maps+ is designed for offline use while deep in the backcountry.  Most of the features of Topo Maps+ will work as is when there is no internet connection.  For example, GPS and compass work without an internet connection so Topo Maps+ can know where you are and where direction you are headed without the internet.  To get ready to go into the backcountry you need to download the maps you want to view before you go out since downloading and viewing new maps require an internet connection.  Once you have downloaded maps, you don’t need an internet connection to view them.

Downloading New Maps

Topo Maps+ makes it easy to download maps.  First you want to zoom and pan the map to the area you want to download.  (For this example, lets say we are hiking to Image Lake in the Glacier Peak Wilderness.)

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 11, 2014, 6.33.38 AM

Then you want to go to menu -> Download Maps -> Download Maps (for offline use).

Pasted_Image_3_11_14__6_37_AM Pasted_Image_3_11_14__6_38_AM Pasted_Image_3_11_14__6_39_AM

Now you can select the regions you want to download.  The map will automatically zoom to the correct zoom scale for selected maps to download.  When you tap on the boxes you want to download a blue check box will appear in the box.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 11, 2014, 6.41.18 AM

Once you have selected the regions you want to download, tap on the download button and let the download finish.


Checking Downloaded Maps

You can easily check if you have downloaded maps for a region before you go out.  Pan and zoom the map to the region you are wondering about and then select to download maps.  This will show you what has already been downloaded.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 11, 2014, 6.52.03 AM

Managing Downloaded Maps

In the download maps section of Topo Maps+ you can jump to downloaded maps and you can delete downloaded maps.  If you tap on any of the downloaded maps the map will go to the location that was downloaded.


If you swipe your finger to the left over one of the downloaded maps you can choose to delete the map from your device.  You can still download that map again in the future.

iOS Simulator Screen shot Mar 11, 2014, 6.53.38 AM

You can also delete a downloaded maps from the download map selection view by tapping on the red circle over the region.


Now that you have downloaded maps to your device you are ready to go deep into the back country far away from an internet connection.